Two days to departure. I am super excited and a little tense as I encounter the usual challenge of really wanting to go and really wanting to stay! Cambodia pulls and I find myself yearning to be there again. And there is a real sense of rightness in this trip to Myanmar too. But I don't like leaving my home, Craig, my precious children and my ponies. There is always a cost, and it is seldom the material one that hurts.
Our lounge has been taken over with toys and sweets, wrapping paper, mysterious parcels and summer clothing. It feels like Christmas as we wrap presents for precious children in far away countries. I am now packing things into my suitcase, and I am already on my weight limit! And that is without toiletries, shoes and personal items. Oops....

I am busy finalizing my talks for the Bible College in Yangon. I will be teaching on 'Praise and Worship' - why it matters, and how to do it (that is kind of obvious, but it is interesting to look at the Hebrew root words and Biblical practices). Most evenings we are also busy, meeting with various Christian home groups and Youth Groups. These will be less formal opportunities to share our experience of life with God. I will be sharing around the theme of the 'Father Heart of God'. Sunday the 16th, I speak in an Assemblies of God church, and my topic is 'The Family of God'. This is very appropriate, when I consider that my first 'home' as a new Christian was with an Assembles of God church.
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I travel. 27 or so hours of travel lie ahead of me, and I am speaking the night I arrive. I hope I can stay awake :-) The grace of God!
More information about Myanmar here:
BBC Country Profile -
Aung San Suu Kyi, political leader of Myanmar
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