Wednesday 31 October 2012

Horses for Orphans, Brazil - Day 10

This morning I play with Zageru again. We do transitions from halt to walk to trot and back again, and forwards and backwards movements (Yo-Yo), investigating just how much harmony we can get and how subtle we can make it. It is fun. But canter does not seem to be available and I give up. I stand with him, stroking his face and he relaxes completely, dropping his head and his lower lip. After a while I get his attention again and then the thought comes: "Why not ask for canter now?" So I do.... and he canters! This is the first time ever that I get a halt to canter transition on the ground and I am delighted. I stay in this happy state for the rest of the day. Thank you so much, you big lovely horse!

When I tell Ingela, she is very pleased, saying that now that I felt the canter transition once, it will be easier to feel it again, even with the Teri pony. Looks like I have something to look forward to.

After lunch I go down to the arena where Welliton is practising Western saddling. He wants so much to pass this task. Again and again he practises, but he is frustrated because he keeps forgetting the order in which to tie the girths. Ingela comes down to assess Welliton, but she is not satisfied that he has completely mastered the task yet, and she tells him to practise. Welliton tries again and again, and his face becomes angrier and angrier. He is so expressive – you can always see exactly how he is feeling. Later I show him the photos, and he laughs and says: “I hungry!” I reply: “You mean, ‘You are angry’, and he laughs again. And I hug him. I love this boy so much.  

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