I have to play catch up on updates this morning, so I have decided to skip breakfast and spend some time writing! So much happens each day that if I don’t do so, there will be too much to share and it will all get a bit overwhelming :-) and I will end up not telling you everything...
As I write, Bill from America is sharing from Proverbs 29 and I am listening with ½ an ear. This verse jumps out: ‘A righteous man knows the rights of the poor; a wicked man does not understand such knowledge (vs 7). Operation Justice is about establishing and safeguarding the rights of the poor. Bill has just made a comment about us being ‘like Jesus...’ in the things we have been doing this week. This was my thought last night.... we watched the ‘Jesus’ movie in Kmer and so many of the things we saw Jesus doing reminded us of things we had done this week. This thought had me close to tears...there is no greater honour than to be like Him. It was a good feeling though... following in His footsteps. Jesus had a heart for the poorest of the poor. He spent much time with the outcasts and the rejected, the unloved and unwanted, the people on the fringes of society.
Operation Justice Garbage Collection Service |
Tired Rigan.... |
Narith with some of the street children |
Back at our hotel there was time for a shower and clothing change, and then it was time for lunch. Rice and chicken, or chicken and rice :-) Good food though.... and good conversation. Lunch over, we could choose to go to a village to play with children, or else go door to door to speak to families and ask if there was anything we could pray for them. I felt like playing with the children again, but decided rather to go door to door, as I have never done anything like this.
Actually, there are a lot of things I have never done before this week.
Cambodian Chess |
At the next house, there were two men sitting on the veranda, playing Cambodian chess. I thought we should probably not disturb them, but Bart asked if we could talk for a while and they responded with enthusiasm. It really touches my heart to see how we are welcomed and treated as honoured guests everywhere we go. When Bart asked if anyone needed prayer, one of the men said that he had pain in his chest and was battling to breathe... when Bart said he would pray he jumped up and came and stood with him and he smiled, and he continued to smile broadly the whole way through Bart’s prayer. He said he felt better after the prayer. He then said that it was so hard to find work in Cambodia, and that most people had to go to Thailand to get work. And that even in you did get work in Cambodia, you would only earn half what you would earn in Thailand. After listening to him, I said that I believed it would change, that God has His eye on Cambodia and that it is a new day... that maybe it will take time, but that Cambodia will be restored. Hope is surely the amongst the most valuable things we have to offer people... for out of hope comes vision, and this is the beginning of everything.
Meanwhile a woman had come outside to join us, along with her children. I commented that the lady of the house was very beautiful... to which both men laughed and replied that they thought Shani, one of our team members, was beautiful! The man then said that he would like to know more about our God, and Bart said he would bring him a book to read, and we told him about CHO.
Interpreters and friends, Narith and Rigan |
Shani, Emma, Claire and I with Narith & Rigan |
A group of us, along with most of the interpreters chose Thai, and the rest went off to get burgers or pizza. I had a Thai Green Curry and it was SO delicious! After supper the interpreters sang a song in Khmer for us. It was so beautiful. We then had a fun time taking various combinations of group photos. We have grown to love these interpreters of ours so much this week. They have given us a voice where we had none, and have shared in our journey towards compassion. I don’t like the thought of parting from them....
Actually, we have all been doing a lot of crying in the midst of the laughter this week. How we wish we could change the things we see RIGHT now! Anyway, I couldn’t really talk with her, and I was waiting for an interpreter, but the clock was ticking (we had paid for an hour of time with the girls and it cost us Thai Baht 550), so I grabbed my notebook and began drawing some pictures to try to explain that I had 5 children. She thought it was a counting game and began proudly counting 1,2,3,4,5 in English. So I drew a dog and another dog... to show that I had 2 dogs, but she gave me the Khmer word for ‘dog’ and so I gave her the English one. It didn’t matter really, it was the loving that counted.
Earlier, I had bought a pair of earrings that were shaped like hearts. When I got hold of Narith to translate, I told her that one earring was to remember that Jesus loves her and will never leave her, no matter what she has to go through, and that the other was to remember that I love her and will pray for her. She said she did not want me to go. I said I did not want to be parted from her either... but that I know we will be together forever in heaven one day, and that this hope helps me to say ‘Goodbye’ for now. She then said that she also believes this, but that she would pray to see me again here in Poi Pet. She walked all the way to the van with me. I left there with my heart dragging behind me in little pieces. It was shattering; there are no words to tell you my sorrow about this situation.
It was similar for the rest of the team. Oh God, please raise up businesses in this city, so that these precious young women will no longer feel that the only way they can earn money to help their families is this way...
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