Sunday 27 May 2012

Discovering Your Purpose

This thought provoking study was written by Malina Zlatkova of XP in 2009. It can be seen in its original format on the XP website
Last week our team was leading an outreach in Thailand. I found myself walking down a dirty road, leading 10 people into an area that is well-known for brothels filled with young children. The people in my group were brave enough to follow me, but most had intense emotional reactions after the outreach.
The one question that gets asked after similar outreaches is, “How did you know that you were called to help children trapped in the sex trade?”
The only answer I come up with is, “It is simply not possible for me not to go.” There is nothing profound in the act of obeying God. When I followed my passion for children, I found the most incredible gift – seeing children get restored, healed and loved. Even if I die today knowing that I helped just one child – I will surely die happy.
What is your passion, what makes you happy and whole? What is the one thing you delight in?

Catching a vision

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (Proverbs 4:23 NIV).
Your passion is what drives you. Take a look at your life – what is the one topic you can discuss for hours? What is the single most prevalent passion you have?
God put love in your heart and a desire to fulfill a special purpose. There is no higher purpose or higher call than the one you have. Equally, we can impact nations here at home or serve in a missions field. We can bring healing to the people around us or heal people we never met. Your purpose should be the highest driving force in your life.
When you are faithful in following God – expect Him to reveal His special plan for you.
It is not in the call of others that you will find happiness. Trying to walk in the steps of others will never bring much fruit. Honesty is not just a suggestion; it is a must that stems from the true call of God. You must be honest with yourself. It is what’s in your heart that will bring you joy – not what is in someone else’s heart.
I’m not very good in prayer and for years I tried to emulate other people’s style of intercession. I spent time studying the prayers of other people and honestly failed to impress even myself.
Lately, though, I noticed that every time I pray, people start crying and God touches them in a very special way. I searched for the difference and realized that recently my prayers have resembled what’s truly on my heart rather than following someone else’s heart. When I pray now, I simply start with loving the person in front of me, and most times that’s enough for God. I reassure and encourage them and let God’s love flow through me.
The Power Within
Many people don’t realize their individual power. You might think God forgot about you or you don’t have anything specific to give, but this is not true.
A lady I know loved crocheting. She crocheted as often as she could, subscribed to various magazines, and participated in online forums about crocheting.
One might think that this is a simple call, perhaps not too profound or godly. The same lady went on a missions trip and found a group of jobless, poverty stricken women in Africa. She taught them how to crochet and that same woman now feeds 500 people and their families with a little factory in Africa.
Your passion is a gift from God. God will lead you into the path made for you, but stay true to yourself and who you are in God.
Wounded Healers
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4).
It is essential to face your fears and your pain. Through your healing, God will show you a way to help others. It is impossible to heal others without going through your own healing.
Maturity and wisdom come mostly from pain. Throughout the Bible, God used people who had been damaged or hurt. It is not your happiness that will bring others healing, but it is the experiences of your own darkness that will help you relate and heal people.
The path through happiness passes through suffering and healing. It is extremely challenging and unpleasant, but I can assure you – the light at the other side of the tunnel is not an illusion. You will feel extraordinary joy when you see others restored and healed by sharing the testimony of your own journey.
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).
The hope and the joy that I have today is because God encourages me to walk in the passion of my heart every single day. The journey here was painful and yet so fulfilling. It doesn’t take courage to step out and say, “God, what is it that You want me to do for You today?” God will honor your passion because He put it in your heart. God will honor your desire – even if it’s crocheting.
I wake up every day and I thank God for the privilege of having such an amazing life and serving Him.

Weekly Scripture Meditation
Week ONE - Jeremiah 1:4–19
Week TWO – 1 Corinthians 2:1
Week THREE - Isaiah 61:1–9
Week FOUR - Ruth 1:15–18

Resource Corner

CD Teaching – Love that Transforms – by Patricia King
Book - Children at Risk - by Patrick McDonald & Emma Garrow
Book – Dancing with Destiny - by Jill Austin

These items can be ordered on line at the XO Store

And remember, God loves you with an everlasting love!

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